Hello everyone!
Today was our first day in Dukwi Refugee Camp. After an early breakfast and an hour and a half drive, we were greeted with a warm welcome.
Everyone in the camp was so excited to see us, and when we separated into activities we were each joined by several people to help us get our activities started. We ran five different activities today, which lasted about two hours. Here’s a list of activities:
Days for Girls Workshop: Gabriella, Emilia, and Claire taught a group of girls ages 9-14 about menstrual health, and how to use the care kits we are donating. The whole group was really receptive and nice, and the lesson went really well.
Games Around the World: Ella, Marshall, and Platon played capture the flag with a huge group of kids at the camp. Back at ASB, sixth graders in their gym class each presented a game and Marshall organized each game with its rules into a large laminated book to give to the kids. Capture the flag came from this book, and with nearly 40 kids on each side it became very chaotic very quickly, but the kids were having so much fun.
Painting a Mural: Noe, Dana, and Vladimir began painting a large mural for the camp. The plan is to have a large tree with branches that at the end of which kids will write something they love about learning. Despite the heat today, our team got as far as painting the full wall and then outlining the tree which will be painted next.
Credit to Riley Wittman
Lego Robotics: Elna, Eloise, and David organized Lego robotics, which is a continuation of a project from last year. Today, they taught the kids how to build the robots, and to follow the directions provided. They started building the obstacles for the robots.

Teaching the Teachers: Graeme and Olivia spent today in the ECC, teaching the classroom teachers in Dukwi Village how we teach in Barcelona. This is to help promote student-teacher connections and learning as a whole. They also donated materials to the classroom including books, pens, puzzles, and Lego’s.
Riley worked as our photographer and videographer for today, and Graeme took photos when he wasn't teaching, and it is pretty obvious that they both did an amazing job! We’re so lucky to have such amazing photos to keep as memories of these activities.
After the activities, we took a break for lunch and to gather some energy for the rest of the day. Our plans for the afternoon were an intercultural workshop led by Mr. Manolo, and then the RefugeArt race for the kids in the camp.
At the intercultural workshop, designed by Manolo, the goal was for ASB students and Dukwi refugees to learn more about each other and connect with each other. We formed groups of both ASB students and Dukwi residents, and every person in the group had to think of something culturally significant or personal to them. Then, on a large piece of paper shared by the group each person drew that thing. After explaining the significance of it to the rest of the group, we had to find a connection between all of the things. We then presented these posters we made to everyone else.
This activity was a really fun and engaging way to connect with one another, and the posters turned out so cool!
After the intercultural workshop, we went to run the RefugArt race Mr. Javi had set up. All of the kids, and many of the adults ran, along with several of the ASB students while the rest cheered them on. Riley and Graeme videotaped/photographed the race which will later be combined with a race that RefugArt will be doing at ASB. This is in order to advertise the RefugArt event, whose funds will be going in a large part back to Dukwi Refugee Camp!
Credit to Graeme Plant
After the race, everyone mingled around the group, talking with new and old friends alike. Today’s activities were so much fun, and we are all so thankful to have been able to come here. It’s one thing to talk about helping people, or to donate money and supplies, but it’s a whole other thing to actually meet everyone in person. We were able to spend the day building connections and learning about everyone there, while at the same time teaching and helping them.
Credit to Riley Wittman
When we finally said goodbye, everyone was both physically and emotionally exhausted, but still so excited to do this again tomorrow.
After arriving back at the hotel, we hung out in the pool for a while, and then had another tasty dinner. To end the night, we all sat together outside and talked about how today's experience has changed our perspectives on refugees. Everyone had a lot to say, as this was a really impactful and emotional experience.